How to treat quam varices veins in the legs

Spider veins, bulging swollen knotted veins – it looks like quam varices, you know, probably all. So let's talk about that in his illness occurs inside the veins.

When quam varices elasticity of blood vessels decreases, and, consequently, expand them. Within the veins are characterized by flaps that regulate the flow of blood to the heart from the lower extremities. If this "door" to function properly, then no problem. In the event of errors in their functioning, and develops quam varices. The valves are closed, preventing the flow of blood to the heart, causing it to stagnate in the veins. Of course, increases the pressure and pushes blood from the deep veins in the thicker thinner closer to the skin, the blood vessels. The system of these veins is not adjusted nodular blood volume, as a result of their walls are not only excessive stretch, but more and destroyed.

The result of this process has become clearly visible on skin, spider veins, which by themselves represent a serious aesthetic problem. The disease progresses, a thin weakened veins are becoming more prominent, distinctive blue color, thicken, and soon appear nodules.

Causes quam varices

There are many factors that significantly increase the likelihood that a given person will suffer from quam varices:

  • Genetic inheritance from parents or grandparents who are experiencing quam varices, the descendant may be "yes" in Vienna with a special structure (weakness of connective tissue, incomplete, valves, etc); and then, without further observance of preventive measures is probably must sooner or later become a patient with a diagnosis of "quam varices on the legs."
  • The hormonal fluctuations – most often affects women (menopause, menstruation, pregnancy, etc), which explains clearly, the gender selectivity of the disease; in addition, the risk of quam varices increases and the treatment is scientifically demonstrated that they contained female sex hormones and their deputies greatly reduce the elasticity of the venous walls.
  • Nerve disorders, stress, depression, and all of this reduces the tone of blood vessels, because the elasticity of their walls is governed by the nerve endings.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (which, again, are more common in women) – these processes can cause a hormonal imbalance, but can also damage the small blood vessels.
  • Lack of physical activity in life – due to long sitting provocantes veins, impaired blood circulation, gradually decreasing the tone of the venous walls, and finally the blood begins to stagnate, and there is a quam varices (today doctors there was even a special term – computer quam varices and, therefore, are for a larger number of patients, the cause of the disease, which was seated before a flicker of the screen).
  • Excessive exercise – these include weight lifting, excess weight, pregnancy, work, associated with long quam varices; as a result, significantly increase the pressure on the veins that lead to the occurrence of quam varices.
  • Flat feet.
  • Habit always and everywhere to "flaunt" on the wrong high heels.
  • Constipation, which increases pressure in the abdomen.
  • Damage and disease.
  • Paul – as has already been mentioned, is the risk for the development of varices quam in women above.
  • The structure of the body, usually from quam varices often affects people of above-average growth.

Symptoms quam varices on the legs

Symptoms quam varices is characterized by the gradual progression. Clear signs of irregularities immediately, in the first instance, the disease is manifested by:

varicose veins on the legs</1_img> swelling of the feet, especially after a long stay in a sitting or standing position, that is, as a rule, to pass in the morning, the first sign that the deep veins do not cope with their duties;
  • cramps and numbness of the legs, most often this is the symptom that shows up night and morning;
  • the feeling of weight, burning sensation, itching and pain in the legs, especially characteristic for the second half of the day;
  • the first visible signs – the typical red-blue spider veins and veins, clearly visible on the skin.

The first warning signs should not delay with the visit to the doctor. As you know, all the diseases that most respond well to treatment in the early stages. If symptoms have been ignored and the patient is not considered to be a sufficient ground for finding qualified help in the future, was waiting for properties, such as:

  • a thickening and darkening of the skin of the calf: so is it the stains and peeling;
  • the veins become painful, when the imperium indigentiam;
  • severe pain in the muscles, the intensity of which increases during walking;
  • the appearance of the speakers over the skin of the legs and feet, venous nodes.

If correct treatment will not be called at this stage, the patient will undoubtedly be serious complications, which will be discussed later.

When to see a doctor?

There are signs of a phenomenon, which is the absolute indication for urgent treatment to the doctor. These include:

  • feeling of weakness in combination with traiecto and a feeling of lack of oxygen;
  • sharp sharp pain in the feet, the body is sealed, the burning sensation;
  • at the beginning of the tractus calling the fears and suspicions of the plot.

How is this diagnosis?

An accurate diagnosis can only ask the doctor – phlebologist or vascular surgeon. To see a specialist, preferably at the first warning signals of the body. Of course, the first testing procedures and examination of a patient. Then, in order to confirm the diagnosis and gain the maximum information about the nature and severity of the disease may need the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound of the veins in the process of study, not only revealed the presence of varices quam, but also conclusions about the direction of blood flow, presence of clots and tumors, is evaluated irradiet, blood vessels;
  • contrast intravaginales – very accurate and informative methods of research, results that there is a possibility to fully assess the condition of the veins; this review is performed by introducing into the human body a contrast agent, a coloring of the blood.
Both methods are interchangeable. Since at least the invasiveness of the in recent times, prefer to an ultrasound of the blood vessels. Ultrasound of the veins</2_img>

What is dangerous, quam varices?

O quam varices is an aphorism created by the doctors "Disease, which is manifested on the legs, and shooting in heart." Really, this disease is not only an aesthetic problem, the problem and reduces the quality of life. In the absence of qualified medical assistance quam varices with serious complications, including death.

So, the consequences quam varices on the legs can be:
  • thrombophlebitis – a disease accompanied by the formation of inflammatory processes in the affected veins;
  • bleeding;
  • violation of nutrition of tissues;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • increase quam varices is dangerous, not only for health, but also for the life of the complication.

We have to say about such a common "companion" quam varices on the legs, such as trophic ulcers. The reason for its creation in constant venous insufficiency, and high blood pressure in the veins. So ulcers usually heal slowly, they are very difficult to heal and with this the possibility to limit the work capacity of the patient and may even cause disability. Swelling, severe pain and even a bad smell – all this, life was very difficult. The emergence of trophic ulcers, who are suffering from quam varices person contributes minor damage and abrasions, that it is simply impossible to avoid. By the way, sometimes (in rare cases) of these lesions transform into malignant tumor.

Treatment quam varices on the legs

Treatment quam varices on the legs, it depends first from the stage of the disease. If we are talking about the initial stages of the disease, when not yet declared complications and irreversible processes, which is often used in conservative treatment, i.e. a treatment without surgery, which may include the following procedures:

  • Treatment with medications – it comes, as a tablet (venarum, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants), and local funds, i.e. different angioprotective.
  • Compression treatment – antiexudativ wearing special socks, or, alternatively, the multivitamin of the foot with an elastic bandage.
  • ovarii, is carried out with the use of the device ovarii, activates blood circulation, improves tissue trophism and as a result, the unpleasant symptoms, quam varices weakens and disappears.
  • Sclerotherapy is used in the case when there is no removal of the affected veins, is not enough. Is performed without a surgical scalpel, the vein injected a special amputetur the flow of blood to the drug, as a result, the vessel gradually atrophies and disappears. This is not happening quickly, during the year may need one session, but the effect is sclerotherapy worth it.
  • adurere, laser photocoagulation is one of the most modern methods, is performed under local anesthesia, the result can be evaluated after a month.
  • Leeches – this is one of the non-traditional methods of treatment quam varices on the legs, which is based on the leeches – when exaruit of the patient's skin and subsequent phlebologist, which produce them, the blood of a substance, however, today it is possible to do without the leeches – on the shelves of the pharmacies, there are many preparations containing this tool.

Prevention quam varices varicose

Special attention to the prevention of quam varices on the legs, should be given to people at risk: those whose relatives suffer from this disease, representatives of certain professions (teachers, hairdressers, etc), people who are overweight, pregnant women, etc ..

First and foremost you need to lead an active way of life. Sport (swimming, Bicycle), prefer Hiking "standing" to travel in public transport, the climb to your floor by stairs, not the Elevator, etc ..

Those, who by profession is forced to spend a lot of time in a sitting or standing position, we need to be aware of the following recommendations:

  • With the long-term better from time to time from the foot to the foot, while moving her leg.
  • Office workers spending days for the screen of your computer, it is recommended to occasionally put his feet up on the table – in this position significantly improves the outflow of blood from the veins of the lower extremities.
  • Small feet is you can reduce the dangerous pressure; and, moreover, it is very comfortable in long periods of sitting to perform the basic exercises.
  • Simple exercise, consisting of occasionally lifting the toes, contributes to the tension of the leg muscles and improves the blood flow up.
  • At least once per hour for 5-10 minutes, should be off the bench and get some exercise.

Compression is used not only for the treatment of quam varices, but also for its prevention. For example, if a person in the family who suffer from this disease, during pregnancy, during flights and long journeys by bus or train, in the process of training it is better to use socks or wrap the feet with an elastic bandage.

If the problem is already in itself, even in the most mild, you should avoid the following:

  • taking oral contraceptives (containing hormones, which can aggravate the condition);
  • wearing shoes with high heels;
  • excess weight and obesity;
  • eating salty, fatty and spicy dishes;
  • transport heavy bags and suitcases (now very popular Luggage on wheels);
  • wax;
  • long hot baths;
  • saunas and baths;
  • alcohol abuse, Smoking;
  • self-treatment.